Drought Conditions Impacting The Course

Adjusting to the Dry Conditions

Grinnell College Golf Course acts as a water basin for much of northern Grinnell.  We typically are able retain that water and reuse it accordingly.  That rain collection has ceased with the recent drought conditions, and our irrigation practices at GCGC are being impacted.  While we always focus on sustainable practices, we will be adjusting our watering practices as follows:

  • Fountains:  We use our fountains to help keep the water oxygenated, which improves the water quality for flora and fauna while reducing algae build-up.  However, evaporation also happens, so the fountains are running on timers to reduce evaporation.
  • Water Pump:  We will be moving water from the upper pond by #9 to the lower pond.  When golfing, please take free relief from this area.
  • Playing Conditions:  We focus our efforts on the greens first, followed by the teeing areas, and finally the fairways.  We have started to reduce irrigation on the fairways.  You can expect firmer playing conditions in those areas.

Thank you for understanding and we hope to see you on the course!