Firecracker Golf Tournament
July 4, 2024 @ 8:00 am - July 7, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
Firecracker Golf Tournament
July 4th-7th
- 4 Person Teams
- Open to everyone
- 9-hole handicapped (net) event. Please contact the clubhouse if you do not have a GHIN or estimated handicap.
- Format: Each team will given a USA ball that is the “firecracker”. One person will be the firecracker on each hole and their net score will count. The one net best ball of the remaining 3 players will also count.
- Example: Hole 1: Firecracker has a net par and the best score of the remaining 3 players is a net birdie = -1
- The person who is the “firecracker” will rotate on each hole.
- Tees
- Women: Red
- Men 60 & Over: Red
- Men 59 & Under: White
- Can play anytime from July 4th through July 7th
- Can play multiple times if you repay the entry fee of $40/team.
- Can play on different teams.
- 50% of the Entry Fee will be paid out via club credit to flight winners.